Music Education/Performance
The music department offers university-parallel courses leading to the Bachelor of Music or Bachelor of Music Education degrees with the following majors: performance, music education, church music, music therapy, or music industry. Students must select an emphasis of guitar, piano, vocal music or instrumental music. Music courses are designed to parallel courses in the music areas of the freshman and sophomore years of any senior college or university and fully prepare students to enter their junior year of study.
Freshman and transfer students must take a placement examination in music theory, and must audition in their applied music major. Based upon the results of the placement examination, students will be placed in either Music Theory I or Fundamentals. Upon successful completion of Fundamentals, the student will be allowed to enroll in the required theory sequence beginning with Theory I. The student’s major instructor will determine applied placement based upon the student’s prior study, technical facility, and knowledge of pre-college level literature. The student may be required to repeat an applied level, or study at a non-major level until sufficient progress has been made to meet minimum requirements for specified learning outcomes.
Music majors are required to enroll in MUS 1911 , MUS 1921 , MUS 2911 , and MUS 2921 , participate in a performance ensemble, study piano (class or applied) and take lessons in their major applied area every semester in attendance at JC. Instrumental and Vocal Education majors must take piano as their minor applied music. Piano majors may take either voice or an instrument as the minor applied, but voice is recommended. Non-music majors are provided the opportunity to pursue an interest in music through individual and group performances, music courses, and private instruction (see laboratory fees); however, students seeking admission to performing groups (Band, Choir, JC Voices, JC Jazz, Musical Theater, etc) must audition for membership. Performing groups are open to non-music majors as well as to music majors; service scholarships are available for qualified participants in all performing ensembles. Auditions are held throughout the year. Non-music majors requesting a voice lesson must take class voice before enrolling in a private voice lesson. Practice room facilities are provided for those enrolled in applied music courses. All students enrolled in applied lessons are required to maintain daily practice periods.
Music majors enrolled in applied lessons must perform a jury for all applied faculty. Students who do not perform a jury will receive the grade of “I” or “F.” The student may perform a sophomore recital in lieu of the jury requirement for one semester. The recital may only substitute for the jury one time.
Program Requirements
(Music and Liberal Arts Core; see specific emphases for applied courses.)
The following advisement plan is a recommended course of study. An academic advisor may alter course sequence to meet individual student needs. In addition, an academic advisor may recommend additional or different courses depending upon student career plans and/or requirements of the college or university to which the student plans to transfer.
*May be required pending outcome of placement exam; will not count toward music degree.
**Music Theory Lab must be taken in conjunction with the appropriate Music Theory.
Recital class, a performing ensemble, piano, and major applied study are required of all music majors every semester in attendance at JC.
The student should consult the catalog of the senior institution for specific admissions procedures and other details concerning the program of study.
ENG 2413 - Survey of World Literature , SPT 1113 - Public Speaking I , MUA 1711 - Class Voice I , MUA 1721 - Class Voice II , and ART 1113 - Art Appreciation may still be required at some universities for music majors and should be considered as viable options for the required number of electives at JC.