Business and Marketing Management Technology
The Business and Marketing Management Technology program is designed to meet the individual needs of students preparing for a career in the field of marketing, management, and/or fashion merchandising.
Program Description
The Business and Marketing Management Technology program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare students to take their places in the business and social world. The program offers major options in Business Management and Fashion Merchandising.
Program Length
Two Semesters
Three Semesters
Four Semesters
Degree(s) Offered
Career Certificate
Technical Certificate
Associate in Applied Science
Admission Requirements
Must meet all general admission requirements of the college.
Jones College Enrollment Services at 601.477.4257 or Instructor: Ginger Keeton at 601.477.4085 or at
Approved electives include those listed in the MCCB approved CTE and/or Academic Uniform Course Numbering Document. Through the approved curriculum, course substitutions may be allowed at the discretion of the Marketing advisor.
*Must take ESB in final semester.*